June 19, 2010

A Butterfly Effect

When buying a steak in a plastic packaging, I often consider whether I should become a vegetarian or not. When I have it served on the plate, cooked, juicy, spiced and smelling good it is another story though. But seeing the red flesh makes me wonder...

First, it is an animal and it was killed because of me, the cow did not die from a natural death. Me, who cannot bear animal cruelty, how can I just forget and bury my head in the sand?

Then, it makes me think about leather. The shoes I wear like everybody else and I realize it comes from the same dead cow. Should I switch to non-leather shoes made of cotton, linen and often rubber for the soles? Rubber can be recycled but not always. Also, I've heard a vegetarian saying it was OK to wear leather because the animals were already dead and burning the skins would produce a massive amount of carbon dioxide but it is only an excuse, don't you think?

And the carbon dioxide leads to greenhouse gases and all the methane emitted by cows. "Do cows pollute as much as cars? Well, apparently they do!

Do you ask yourself the same questions? I want to do my best but it is so complicated sometimes. What if I started by reducing my meat consumption? Weakness or strength?

Aaaargh, enough questions for today, it is dinner time and I am having radishes.

Organic Shoes on Mahalo.com
How to Recycle rubber? on eHow.com
Do cows pollute as much as cars by Jacob Silverman on HowStuffWorks.com