April 17, 2010

Stop Feeling Guilty About Drinking Coffee

I love coffee and, by that, I mean real espresso, not just brownish water. So I choose the Nespresso machine for home. Oh! I just remember we also have it at work.

But the capsules are made of aluminium foil which could be recycled but only if you open the capsule and
dump the grounds around your garden plants. I am way too lazy and I do not have a garden either.

That is why I feel guilty in the morning, I feel guilty again after lunch and after dinner depending on whether I have a decaffeinato or not. Yes, three times a day.

Good News:
By mid-May, Ethical Coffee Co. 's compatible coffee capsules will be sold in the French stores by Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA, which runs the Casino
and Monoprix supermarkets.

The capsules will be biodegradable and
20 percent less than the price of Nespresso...

To celebrate, I am now going to treat myself with a decaffeinato, What Else?


  1. I don't want to sound like I am advertising for Nespresso but it is a very good coffee indeed. Wide range of flavours depending where the coffee comes from. 16 Grands crus with honey, lemony, spicy etc aromatic notes. And you can choose the intensity (caffeine) too. Voila!
